[stag_intro]The model that missed Sandy seems to really have it in for the East Coast. The GFS model, which has earned the derisive nickname “the Goofus,” missed it again and again this winter. Now let’s add the coming lack of polar-orbiting satellites…which could start as early as later this year. A recipe for disaster? [/stag_intro]

NOAA’s apparent lack of urgency in doing something about the gap is surprising given it has known of the risk for more than three years,
via Sense of urgency needed to steady U.S. weather forecasting.
This guest commentary in the Washington Post from Anne Hale Miglarese hits the nail on the head. Apparently this particular nail needs hit repeatedly, because NOAA, the parent agency of the National Weather Service, continues to wear its’ Climate Change blinders and fails to invest where the money will do the most good — weather prediction.
Please read this article, and share it with your friends. The day when US weather forecasters must rely on computer models generated by other governments rather than those backed up by US-specific research will be a sad day indeed. If you’re a weather geek, read between the lines of the forecast discussions…you’ll see they aren’t too far from it now. Now, blind them by taking out the satellites. Back to the 1950’s in weather prediction, anyone?
It’s important to note: the agency responsible for this is NOAA…the head of which is subject to POLITICAL appointment. That means this is an ADMINISTRATION problem. The men and women of the National Weather Service do the best they can with what they have. Their high, higher-ups in NOAA, however, march to a different drummer….the pied piper of climate change alarmism.
</rant off>