Whether you’re on the road or camping, will you be ready for sudden flash flooding? Make sure to enable Wireless Emergency Alerts on your phone. If flooding occurs while you’re outdoors, immediately get to higher ground, and NEVER enter floodwaters in a vehicle or on foot.

Of special note to the residents in the recent willdfire areas east of Hutch: Burn scars from wildfires increase the risk of debris flows.

Most flood fatalities occur in vehicles, and it only takes 12 inches of water to sweep a car away. Small decisions can make the difference between life and death. During a flood, small decisions like turning around and not driving through a flooded roadway, not driving around barricades, and delaying travel until conditions improve can make a big impact on whether you keep your car—or even your life. Turn Around, Don’t Drown!

The Science of Flooding: 100-year and 500-year floods
The term 500-year flood doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s only going to happen one time every 500 years. Rather, it’s a reference to the probability of occurrence:
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