An incredibly interesting map, I think. Several counties along the Palmer Divide in Colorado, along with a batch of counties in the South, get far more warnings than any Kansas county…at least when you count it by minutes.
Gove county (third one down from Nebraska, third one in from Colorado) appears to me to have the darkest red in the state.
Chasers looking for the “easy target”: US-54 from Dodge City to Eureka, or US-166 from the west Harper county line to the east Cowley county line.
As for “a lot” of tornado warnings? When 4 hours a YEAR is the highest value in the legend, I’d say no one in the US — the most tornado-prone country on the planet — spends a “lot” of time in a warning. There’s a bit of mental bias going on here because the warnings are clustered in a few months of the year for most of the country.
I’m lovin’ me some statistics, seein’ as how there aren’t any storms to speak of….